Solidariedade com a Comunidade Intersexual: Vamos assinar a petição!  

Postado por Felipe Bruno Martins Fernandes


Press Release - Please circulate widely

From: The Organisation Intersex International

Subject: Intersex Solidarity Day

November 8
Herculine Barbin's Birthday

The Organisation Intersex International would like to invite you to
join us in commemorating November 8 as Intersex Solidarity Day. All
human rights organizations, feminist allies, academics and gender
specialists, as well as other groups and individuals interested in
intersex human rights, are invited to show their solidarity by
organizing workshops, lectures, discussions and other activities which
deal with any or all of the following topics:

a) the life of Herculine Barbin
b) intersex genital mutilation
c) the violence of the binary sex and gender system
d) the sexism implicit within the binary construct of sex and

Please show your solidarity with the intersex community. Intersex
rights are humans rights.

Express your solidarity with the Intersex Community by signing the
following OII petition against pathologizing intersex:
This emailing list includes members of ILGA with the exception of Spanish, Latin American and Caribbean groups. Updated October 17 2006.
For any question regarding this list, contact

This entry was posted on sábado, novembro 04, 2006 .